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A comprehensive microbiome intelligence product that combines multiple recurrent DNA tests with the analysis of blood data, imaging, and advanced user profiling, culminating in highly personalized recommendations and treatment suggestions for each IBD patient.

Microbiome Intelligence Panel for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

fără TVA

    Easy testing process at-home.
    Receive your personalized health strategy.


    Order your Panel


    Register your test kit on our site


    Collect your sample at home


    Fill in the online profiling questionnaire


    Recieve your personalized modulation strategy

    What's included

    Great rating from our patients

    Donna M.: ''NostraBiome has fully changed my life. I’ve spent my adult existence on diets and different medications that never worked.  I was multiple times misdiagnosed with Colitis, Chron, Leaky gut, IBS, Chronic Diarrea... No one until now really listen to my story and everyone was saying you have to learn to live with it : IT'S AUTOIMMUNE. My condition was so severe that I was close to a removable surgery. Having something personalized where you can see the effect almost immediately was so hopeful for me and I am entirely thankful!''

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