Complementeaza-ti terapia pentru cancer si boli digestive inflamatorii
The oral microbiome is a diverse community of over 700 species of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms residing in your mouth. This complex ecosystem plays a vital role in maintaining oral health by aiding digestion, protecting against harmful pathogens, and supporting your immune system. Saliva significantly contributes by providing nutrients, regulating pH levels, and supplying antimicrobial agents like lysozyme to control microbial populations.
Disruptions in this delicate balance, known as dysbiosis, can lead to oral diseases such as cavities, gum disease, and oral thrush. Emerging research also links imbalances in the oral microbiome to systemic conditions, including cardiovascular diseases and cognitive impairments.
Understanding your unique oral microbiome composition is essential for maintaining optimal health. Our advanced oral microbiome testing services provide a comprehensive analysis of the microorganisms present in your mouth. By identifying specific imbalances or harmful bacteria, we can offer personalized recommendations to restore and maintain a healthy oral environment. This proactive approach not only helps prevent oral diseases but also contributes to your overall well-being.

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NostraBiome technology decodes the unique inflammatory signature of the microbiome to understand how it impacts the immune system and your oral health.
By utilizing DNA analyses, combined with advanced computer simulations, it identifies how this signature affects the body.
This approach enables the suggestion of personalized strategies to counteract negative effects and optimize treatments outcomes.
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Detectam semnatura dinamica inflamatorie a microbiomului fiecarui pacient si o asociem cu situatia clinica a acestuia.
Calculam impactul semnaturi inflamatorii la nivelul intregului sistem imunitar. ​
Oferim recomandari personalizate pentru fiecare pacient cu privire la cum trebuie modificat microbiomul pentru a reduce impactul sau asupra sistemului imunitar si pentru a creste rata de raspuns terapeutic a fiecarui pacient.
Atentia noastre este focalizata pe bolile inflamatorii intestinale si afectiuni oncologice tratatete cu diferite tipuri de terapii.