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Image by Richard Horvath

Complementeaza-ti terapia pentru cancer si boli digestive inflamatorii

Tehnologia noastră de secvenÈ›iere, inteligență È™i profilare chimică a microbiomului se axeaza pe înÈ›elegerea È™i modularea acestuia pentru a optimiza funcÈ›iile imune È™i pentru a complementa terapiile existente pentru boli digestive si cancer.

  • Understand how to get started

  • Learn more about what our insights will reveal

  • Learn more about our recommendations complement to your therapy for IBD, cancer, oral health or other disease

Expertiza noastra


Order your Panel

Simply start by ordering a Panel relevant for your health situation by choosing from the list below.

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Group 1 (2).jpg


Register your test kit on our site

Registering your test will ensure we can connect your samples to you when they arrive at our CLIA-certified lab.


Collect your sample at home

Collect samples at home and send them to our lab
Everything you need to collect and ship your samples will be included in your test kit. No lab visit is required! We'll include a step-by-step guide and instruction videos to help you.


Fill in the online profiling questionnaire

Your questionnaire helps us further refine your recommendations and preferences, but most importantly understand the signals of your disease. Here you'll let us know about any medications you're taking or allergies you may have.


Recieve your personalized modulation strategy

The DNA sequencing of your profile requires a few weeks due to the complexity and vast amount of microbes we are looking at. After we combine all the medical data, questionnaire, and microbiome we will send you a full report of what to do to change your microbiome, why and how.
This will also arrive to your doctor who will integrate it as a complement to your existing therapy.

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The output of our Panels

Reviews and Testimonials

Hear what others have to say about our recommendations and health solutions.

Donna, Romania

“NostraBiome has fully changed my life. I’ve spent my adult existence on diets and different medications that never worked."

Roxana, Romania

"My child's condition has improved drastically since we started to follow NostraBiome's personalized recommendations."

Alexander, Denmark

“Finally a custom treatment tailored on my body that helped me in a concrete way. NostraBiome has been the only solution that worked.”
Image by Diego PH

Recommendations to help you better respond to your existing therapy 

Driven by Artificial Intelligence to uncover connections beyond human detection based on:

  • Your unique body

  • Your unique situation

  • Your therapy

  • Your unique gut microbiome


To make you heal and feel better!

Expertiza noastra

Detectam semnatura  dinamica inflamatorie a microbiomului  fiecarui pacient si o asociem cu situatia clinica a acestuia.


Calculam impactul semnaturi inflamatorii  la nivelul intregului sistem imunitar. â€‹


Oferim recomandari personalizate pentru fiecare pacient cu privire la cum trebuie modificat microbiomul pentru a  reduce impactul sau asupra sistemului imunitar si pentru a creste rata de raspuns terapeutic a fiecarui pacient.


Atentia noastre este focalizata pe bolile inflamatorii intestinale si afectiuni oncologice tratatete cu diferite tipuri de terapii.

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